Saturday, May 3, 2014

Quick Gifts: Bath Salts

Mother's Day is around the corner and if you're like me then you want to give your mom something special on her special day. This month's quick gift is perfect for all of the women in your life, whether they are your mom, mother-in-law, or grandmother, and is easily personalized to their unique taste. 

The materials needed are Epsom bath salts, essential oil ( I used lavender), and a cute container. Spread aluminum foil or wax paper across a cutting board or cookie sheet. In a small bowl combine Epsom salt, the amount will depend on the size of your container, and essential oil. The amount of essential oil will depend on the amount of Epsom salt you used, but should be enough to spread throughout the bowl without drenching the salt. Stir the Epsom salt and essential oil mixture carefully. Then spread on the aluminum foil or wax paper and allow to dry. When the salt is dry, scoop the scented bath salts into your container. Add a label or bow and you are done.

Combine the bath salts with complimentary lotion, soft socks, and nail polish for a gift that says "you deserve pampering." For a more luxurious Mother's Day gift include a gift certificate for a massage or mani/pedi. For more beauty DIYs be sure to comment below.