Friday, June 26, 2015

An American Tradition

Summer is about sunshine, water, and fun with friends, but for Americans, summer is also about FREEDOM. Summer starts with Memorial Day, a remembrance of the men and women we have lost in combat, and ends with Labor Day, a celebration of the rights of laborers. In between those holidays, in the very heart of summer, is the Fourth of July, a celebration of our independence. Americans choose to celebrate these holidays in many ways, but most people choose to celebrate with an American tradition. The American tradition that my family most often chooses is baseball. After all, baseball is America's favorite past time. For me, it was obvious that my next project needed to be baseball themed, but I really wanted to make my project about America too because there is meaning behind these holidays beyond a day off to watch a baseball game with family and friends. I used Google to find inspiration for my design and then compiled various elements I had liked into my own design for a patriotic, baseball-themed t-shirt. 

Once the design was finished, I printed the design out onto regular computer paper, and then began creating my stencil using freezer paper. Freezer paper is an excellent stencil for making t-shirts or other fabric projects. I traced my design onto the freezer paper and then used an Exacto knife to cut out the pieces of the design that I would need to paint first. I then ironed the design onto the t-shirt, as well as the pieces that were free floating in the background. I will freely admit that I didn't make sure my design was straight on the t-shirt before deciding to iron it on, which means that after I finished painting my t-shirt that the design was crooked. This is a rookie mistake, but it happens and I figure it gives my t-shirt a uniqueness. That said, if I were to make this t-shirt design again I would definitely make sure the design was straight. 

Besides the crookedness of the design I think the t-shirt came out really well. I was able to make this project for under $5 because I had all of the necessary supplies except for the t-shirt. I used Microsoft Word to create the design and standard fabric paint to paint it on the t-shirt. I really do enjoy t-shirt design, this is the 3rd t-shirt I have finished, and I will definitely be making more designs in the future. In fact, I already have a few t-shirt designs in mind for the next few months. 

The other t-shirt designs are pictured below:

Stephen Vogt T-shirt Design; this t-shirt was given to him in the 2014 season. 

Sonny Gray T-shirt Design; He even signed it at Fan Fest in 2014.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


It has been awhile since I have posted anything on this blog. Partly because I haven't had time, partly because I haven't been crafting, and partly because I have been focused on my other blog Lessons. It is because Lessons is going so well that I have decided to reinvest in BooBear Designs. I really am amazed at the people who are able to work full time and keep their crafting blog updated. I have so many ideas and dreams for this blog, but I am just unable to keep it updated because I don't have the time. For those who don't know, I am a full time behavior technician and I am also going to school to become certified as a child life specialist. That said I am going to try to start posting weekly.

Recently, I have finished a newborn photo prop for my cousin's son. My cousin loves Goofy, her childhood bedroom was even painted in Goofy's colors, so when I found out she was having a boy I knew what I wanted to make her. Essentially I crocheted a Goofy hat, a diaper cover, and booties to go with an orange onesie. These pieces made up the Goofy outfit. I also included a Goofy plushie. My cousin's baby shower, a month ago, was a huge success and she adored the outfit. I will post a more detailed post later. 

Some other projects I am working on are a jungle-themed baby blanket, a baseball-themed t-shirt, and something super hero/comic book themed. The jungle-themed baby blanket will likely be for one of my coworkers (and friend) who is also having a boy. The baseball-themed t-shirt is for the baseball games that fall on American holidays. I don't really know what super hero project I want to make, but I'm loving all of the super hero/comic book movies that have been coming out.