Friday, February 7, 2014

Charity of the Month: Valentine's for Seniors

It is the 7th, which means it is time to introduce this month's charity, Valentine's for Seniors. 
DoSomething has paired with Meals on Wheels to deliver Valentine's cards to seniors. Individuals make one or more cards, using card stock, and then mail these cards to their local Meals on Wheels or another location of their choice. Meals on Wheels then delivers the cards to seniors in the area. DoSomething is offering an entry to a $4,000 scholarship for every card mailed to Meals on Wheels as an extra incentive to participate in this campaign. For every card you make, take a picture, and then submit these pictures to DoSomething for your entries into the scholarship contest.

The Supplies
DoSomething provides a few guidelines and ideas for making Valentine's cards in pdf form, but I also have made a tutorial of the cards I have made and donated to Meals on Wheels. When I first started this project I had a grand plan and thought of many wonderful ideas, but very quickly I ran out of time. Plus I didn't have all of the supplies I thought I had like cardstock, doilies, and good markers. The Dollar Store has been very good about having a large variety of seasonal craft supplies, which is where I ended up going to to get doilies, foam stickers, and ribbon. However, I forgot to buy cardstock and new markers so I ended up using the supplies I had, construction paper and dried up markers.

Recommended supplies:
Cardstock in red, white, and pink. Construction paper works too.
Markers, bright vivid colors, in red, pink, and gold or silver
Doilies in red, white, or pink
Heart Stickers or stamps
Glitter, optional
Glue, I used a glue stick

For card designs 1 & 2:
Take cardstock or construction paper and fold it in fourths. Unfold once and cut along the fold line to make 2 cards.
Card 1: Paste doily to front of card. Write LOVE in pretty letters across the inside of the card. In upper right corner write a Valentine's message. DoSomething recommends you include 3 things in the message:
1. Location, but only your state, 2. Hobby or interest, and 3. Future plans
Card Design 1 & 2
Card 2: Adhere 3 heart stickers to card front. Using a gold or silver marker draw lines from heart point to card bottom to look like balloon strings. With a red or pink marker write "YOU BLOW ME AWAY
 in lower left corner. Left inside of card, write a quote or saying and decorate with scrolls. I wrote, "Live, Laugh, Love". Right inside of card, write your valentine message.

For card designs 3 & 4:
Fold cardstock in half and turn to make a vertical card. Paste a doily on the bottom of the card, cut around the doily to create a heart shape. DO NOT DISCARD SCRAPS.
Card 3: Cut ribbon and tie a bow. Glue bow to front of card on doily. Open card. On left side write a quote. I used "Spread the love everywhere you go." On the right side write the valentine message.
Card Design 3
Card Design 4
Card 4: Cut a folded strip out of cardstock scraps. Write LOVE in pretty letters, but omit O and replace with a heart sticker or stamp. Open card, write SPREAD THE LOVE across the inside of card. In upper right corner write a valentine message.

Refold all cards and put in a manila envelope addressed to the Meals On Wheels location of your choice. DoSomething recommends not including a return address to protect your identity. Remember to take a picture of your cards if you want to enter DoSomething's contest. If I have more time then I will make more cards using cardstock and more creative ideas so stay tuned. In the mean time be sure to leave your own ideas in the comments below.

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