Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Organizational Tips: Scrapbook Part 3

If you're like me then you have a lot of scrapbooking projects going on at the same time and these projects can begin to take up more than their fair share of space. Scrapbooking can quickly take over your work space between the papers, pictures, stickers, and embellishments for each project. Due to the delicate nature of scrapbook supplies I am overly zealous in organizing my current projects. I only have 2 tips for organizing current projects, but feel free to post your ideas in the comments below.

Tip #1: Invest in page protectors (the size that fits your scrapbook) or 12 x 12 Ziploc storage bags. I personally prefer the page protectors because the pages fit easily into your scrapbook and can be used when your page is finished, but the page protectors can become pricey. Put your scrapbook paper, pictures, stickers, etc. for each project into a page protector or storage bag. The protectors can be put back into your scrapbook while the storage bags can be stored in a 12 x 12 scrapbook box.

Tip #2: Label your projects for easy recognition. If you tend to accumulate a lot of pieces for each scrapbook project then I suggest labeling the bags and/or page protectors for each project for easy access. The label you use should probably be temporary if you are using page protectors.

Scrapbook project storage is fairly easy if you are willing to invest the time and money into the necessary materials. If you invest in the page protectors and/or storage bags ahead of time then you will save yourself chaos while scrapbooking and protect your supplies at the same time. 

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