Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Reverse Lent: Week 3

They say when it rains it pours and this week has definitely taken an unexpected toll on me. I am not one to complain, but it has felt as if it has been one thing after another. Health wise it has been a continuous stream of one thing and then another, ending this week with a likely ear infection or ruptured ear drum (pending a doctor's appointment). The decline in health probably has much to do with stress, but there are certain stressors in life that are unavoidable, such as going to work. I'm not complaining, but since I'm not super woman I am once again behind on my blanket for this week. In fact, I am so behind with blanket 3 that I haven't even started it. I know that eventually it will get done, but I do feel disappointed that I was unable to stay up on the challenge for this year.

Perhaps I set an unrealistic goal. After all I am once again a student, am working full time, and trying to find time to breathe. I probably should have looked at my commitments and known that it would be too hard for me to accomplish everything I needed to get done, especially without leaving myself room to be sick or brought down by health issues. I'm not ashamed. I envisioned a big plan for myself this Lenton season and am learning to be more realistic about my goals. In different circumstances it might have been possible for me to complete this challenge and it isn't impossible now, just unlikely I will finish on time. While I don't have a blanket to show for this week, I do have a few lessons I would like to share with you.

Lesson 1: Waiting
Waiting is inevitable. In life we are guaranteed we will have to wait. We will wait on people, dreams to be realized, and prayers to be answered. Personally, I have never been good with waiting. I don't like it. If I don't see a reason why I can't have something then I want it now and am going to be upset if I don't get it. Now, I'm not a child and so when I have to wait I don't throw a fit, but I am unhappy about it. I've noticed that the longer I have to wait the more discouraged I become. The discouragement comes from a lack of understanding. I read this great article When God Makes Us Wait and it explains why we are made to wait. Right now, this article speaks to my heart. I am in a position where I am waiting for prayers to be answered. If you're in this place too then I know how frustrated you are, but I can honestly say that waiting has a purpose. When you are made to wait, God isn't saying "No" and He isn't ignoring you, He is telling you "Not yet," He is telling you "I have something better for you," and He is telling you "I will strengthen your faith." So hold on, I know it is hard, but the answer you receive will be worth the wait.

Lesson 2: Change
Change, like waiting, is an unfortunate aspect of life. Some change we experience is good and rewarding, but change represents the unknown and is therefore scary to many people. I also don't like change and make it part of my life to avoid it, for the most part. I know some change is necessary and changes our lives for the better, even if not at first, but if you ask me I would probably tell you I could live without it. Change is inevitable and whether we like it or not, we need to learn to accept the change in our life. We don't have to like it, I don't like the changes happening in my life at this moment, but you need to accept it as reality. It is real and you can't go about your life pretending it didn't happen. I wish very much if we didn't like something we could change it back, but unfortunately we don't have that kind of control. The point is change happens and when you're unhappy with the change remember, "This too will pass." This might mean your feelings about the change will pass or it might be the change changes itself. Either way even change changes. Be patient and wait because it won't last forever.

Lesson 3: Endless Supply
Change, being made to wait, and the other stressors of life will bring you down and weigh upon you. You will face struggles and not want to go on, but you don't have to do it alone. God has an endless supply of whatever you need and He is waiting to give it to you. You just have to trust He will and then lean back to enjoy your endless supply. This week I have said more than once that I can't do this, but then God fills me up again and I can give it one more try. Yes, some weeks and some days you will have to cry out for replenishment more than once, but you will always be replenished. You might not be able to do it anymore, but God can. Remember His supply is endless and He is waiting to give it to you.

I don't know where you are this week, but I know I have been reflecting on these lessons every day and I am still learning. Some days are easier than others, but I know I'm not alone and neither are you. Have faith and be happy. You are loved. If you enjoyed this week's post, consider reading my blog Lessons detailing this journey of faith. 

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