Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Reverse Lent: Week 4

Spring is almost upon us and everything seems to already be in bloom. The weather is warm, too warm for winter, and reminiscent of new beginnings. This week I have been thinking about the end of winter and putting last year behind me. Yes, it is March, 3 months into the new year, but there is still this focus on the past. I feel certain I'm not alone in this thinking or there wouldn't be the need for Spring Cleaning. I always liked Spring, with the flowers blooming, and the possibility of new beginnings looming in the future. This week, the week before Spring's official start, I am ready for new beginnings. I am still behind in my Reverse Lent challenge and my schedule does not look any clearer in the next few weeks. I am not complaining. I know I am blessed to be busy with school and work, not everyone has a job or the opportunity to further their education, but this also means I can't keep up with all of my projects without finding myself drained.
I am, however, anticipating a brief and I mean brief period without school, which I hope will give me the opportunity to catch up on my Reverse Lent blanket challenge. I also am hoping to finish some home renovation projects and catch up on Spring Cleaning. I am ready for Spring and for new possibilities. Where do you spend the most time cleaning for Spring? What are your best tips for surviving Spring Cleaning? Leave your answers in a comment.

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