Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Reverse Lent: Week 5

Last week's beautiful sunny, Spring is almost here, day has been replaced with cold winds and storm clouds. Yesterday morning we even had rain, just enought to wet the cars, but not nearly as much as we need. Our weather just can't seem to make up its mind. The sudden, unexpected changes in temperature this last week is reminding me of life, where anything can happen at any moment. You might have plenty of time to craft one moment and the next be too busy to do anything enjoyable. Life is unexpected and this can be good or it can be bad depending on the unexpected additions to your life. Either way, just like with the weather, we have to deal with it and adjust our lives accordingly. 

As you probably guessed it, I am still behind in my Reverse Lent challenge. However, I am only 1 1/2 blankets behind now so I might just be caught up by next week....ok, well I can still hope that is true. This Reverse Lent has been challenging, but I am really enjoying the time I have spent crocheting the blankets for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. The blankets have to be plain, as in they only want medium colored blankets in a single color, which has been challenging, but I am trying to create pretty blankets by changing the stitch used.

I haven't taken any pictures of the blankets I have made thus far, but I promise I will bring taking pictures soon and will upload them at the end of the challenge. I also have been thinking about new projects for Spring and will be posting new DIYs in the next month, along with Spring cleaning tips and more ideas about how to stay organized. 

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