Sunday, April 5, 2015

Reverse Lent: He has risen!

This last week has been overwhelming and challenging, beyond trying to finish the Reverse Lent challenge, but that isn't what today is about. Today is about someone who loved us so much that He laid downn His life that we might be saved. Jesus died on the cross for all of us and if you have never given Him a second thought, I encourage you to do so now.  There is a simple prayer you can pray right now, inviting Jesus into your heart, and I'll leave it here for anyone who might want to pray that prayer: 

Dear God,
Thank You that Heaven is a free gift. I admit that I have sinned and that I cannot save myself. I know that You love me, but I also realize You are just and You must punish my sins. Thank You for Jesus who is God and who died to pay the penalty for my sins. And now by faith, I place my full trust in Jesus Christ alone for my eternal salvation. I now receive the free gift of eternal life. Come into my life, forgive me of my sins and help me become the person You want me to be. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen

If you prayed that prayer, please leave a commemt below that I might rejoice with you. Your journey isn't going to be easy, but with God you are never alone in your struggles. I have dealt with my fair share of struggle, most recently this weekend, but God has been there every step, even when I felt alone and defeated. You are not alone and Jesus is waiting to be accepted into your life that He might show you His love for you. 

That's what this Reverse Lent challenge has been about: love. God first loved us that we would know what love is. It is because God loves me that I spent the last 6 weeks, 40 days to be exact, working on baby blankets for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep Remembrance. This organization provides support to women who have lost a child. These blankets will be mailed to the organization and included into care packages that will be delivered next month. I unfortunately overestimated my ability to finish a blanket a week during Lent and only finished 4 blankets, but that is 3 more than last year so I am feeling successful. I will be trying to work on another blanket this week while I'm off of work, but I feel proud of what I was able to accomplish this Lent. Remember not to compare your results to your original expectations, but look at your results in terms of your progress. Did you accomplish more than you thought you would? Did your skills improve? Think about your progress relative to your own life and not expectations, either the ones you make yourself or those of other people. 

Happy Easter! May God bless you and your families!

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