Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Christmas Preparation: Handmade Gift Planning

The little bear elves are busy at work on Christmas gifts in BooBear's Workshop. Wouldn't that be nice if elves, bear or otherwise, took over making handmade gifts for you? Well until then it is just me and my busy fingers working away on gifts for Christmas. Every year I make at least one handmade gift, usually it is at least 5 homemade gifts, but poor planning leads to a chaotic December. Working well into Christmas Eve just trying to finish your handmade gifts while your family wonders where you have wandered off to or why there are no gifts under the tree from you is not how anyone wants to spend Christmas. 

Last month I posted templates for a Christmas planner with the promise I would show how to use the templates throughout the year. This month I am showing you how to use the homemade gift planning templates. If you haven't done so already download the template and print it out. Take your favorite colored pen and get ready to brainstorm. I have been brainstorming for awhile and this year I am planning on making a zebra 3pc pajama set and a men's crochet sweater. I will likely add to this list, but these gifts are going to take the most time.

Handmade Gifts
Now that you know what you want to make, it is time to start planning. How long will it take you to make each item? Error on the side of caution when deciding the length of time. If you usually make blankets in a month then plan for two months, giving yourself plenty of time for errors and life to get in the way. Once you know how much time it will take plan out time to work on the project using the monthly calendars. Depending on your level of interest in the project you might want to start and finish the project right away or you might want to procrastinate and finish the project later in the year. Whether you decide now or later make a plan and stick to the time. If you need to reschedule time to work on the project then reschedule, but stick to the new scheduled time.

Know your project and the materials needed to complete the project. Record the materials needed using the template provided in the Christmas planner. If you don't want to purchase all of the materials now then make sure to record what materials you have already purchased. Depending on the materials used I recommend purchasing the materials now when you know where they are and how much you need. Certain materials are seasonal or temporary features at the craft store. These materials should be purchased as soon as you know you need them because they will not be available all year long.

The best thing you can do in homemade gift planning is making a plan and sticking to your plan all year long. As the year progresses I will post pictures of my progress on my own homemade gifts. The pictures will most likely be shown on my Instagram account @BooBearDesigns. Be sure to follow me on Instagram for the latest pictures of my designs and inspiration.

Comment below with your ideas for homemade gifts this Christmas, your favorite homemade gifts that have been given to you, or the homemade gift you made that was the best received by your recipient. 

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